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BIOVOICES Newsletter #1
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BIOVOICES Newsletter #2
Download the second BIOVOICES newsletter in PDF and discover the latest news on bioeconomy and project activities!
BIOVOICES Newsletter #3
Download the third BIOVOICES newsletter in PDF and discover the latest news on bioeconomy and project activities!
D3.1 Synthesis of market perspectives to develop bio-based value chains
This report presents an overview of the existing barriers and opportunities to commercialise bio-based applications in Europe as described in current literature, to indicate key issues in the transition to the bio-based economy. As the focus of BIOVOICES is on the market perspectives of application sectors, the aim is to select commercial applications which are relevant for different stakeholders to share their perspectives, knowledge and experiences for mutual learning.
D3.2 Interviews Data Analysis: Identification of Stakeholders’ Interests and Motivations
This report aims at identifying the quadruple helix stakeholders’ interests and motivations to participate in the BIOVOICES MMLs (Mobilisation and Mutual Learning) community. It analyses within a comparative framework data collected in 82 interviews conducted by the 13 partners of the project distributed among 10 countries (Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and the United Kingdom).
D3.3 Map of promising perspectives of bio-based product for application sectors
The overall aim of this document is to define the challenges to be addressed during the Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MMLs) that:
- Are relevant, attractive and motivating for the Quadruple Helix stakeholders
- Have been identified (by the stakeholder) as central for the Bioeconomy and BBPs market uptake
- Should be addressed to unlock the potential of Bioeconomy
- Could benefit from the Quadruple Helix collaboration to deliver impactful outcomes (policy recommendations, action plans, agreements, further collaboration among stakeholders, etc.)
D3.4 Guide for Mobilisation and Mutual Learning workshops
In total 70 MML workshops will take place before the end of 2020. The overall aim of D3.4 is to develop the guidelines for the design of the BIOVOICES Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) approach that are relevant, attractive and motivating for the quadruple helix stakeholders to contribute and finally to deliver impactful outcomes
D4.1 - Stakeholders' Classification
The aim of this deliverable is to create a stakeholders’ classification in order to set up the best way to identify the thematic group to be involved in mobilization and mutual learning activities. For carrying the objective out, we took into account different literature and opinions from different experts in this area. At the end, we created a table where we were able to divide different groups of stakeholders depending on thematic, localization and type of agent.
D4.3 Focus group report
The BIOVOICES Focus Group constitutes a community of (external to the project’s consortium) multi-disciplinary experts in the knowledge fields of the bioeconomy and the BBP sectors, representing consumers/general public, business community, research community, policy and public administration. Members of the Focus Group participated in the BIOVOICES Focus Group workshop organised on November 13th and 14th, 2018 in Rome, Italy.
D4.4 BIOVOICES methodological approach for Mobilization and Mutual Learning (MML)
This deliverable outlines the overall approach to be adopted when organising Mobilisation and Mutual Learning workshops and activities. It provides insights on WHAT, WHO and HOW to apply such approach.
D5.1 Multi-stakeholder on line social platform v1.0
The objective of this deliverable is to create a classification of stakeholders’ groups in order to identify, through a categorization by theme and stakeholder type, the thematic group relevant for mobilization and mutual learning.
This classification is the basis for targeted community building, ensuring that all the necessary competences, interests, knowledge, experience and variety of perspectives in relation to each of the mutual learning contents will be maximally mobilised and nurtured (following the 3D BIOVoices Model).
D5.2 BIOVoices multistakeholder online social platform v2.0
This document provides a description of the configured on-line BIOVoices social platform (version V2) representing the technical infrastructure for managing participatory tools, co-production of contents, knowledge and co-creation, initiatives launching, creative spaces creation, etc., supporting on-line communities (starting from e-communities already existing in the bio-based sector, and applicable in other application domains) in their work and common work.
D5.3 Population of the BIOVoices multi-stakeholder on line platform with contents Report (first version)
This deliverable contains the ontology of concepts related to the bio-based products and bio-economy field, embedded in the BIOVOICES social platform.
D5.5 Animation of the multi-stakeholders platform report 1st version
This document explains how the Multi Stakeholders Platform was designed and animated to achieve the aforementioned objectives.
This document provides also some lessons learnt and useful insights to the partners to fine-tune the activities to be implemented in the last year of the project.
D5.7 The BIOVOICES app
The Bio Art Gallery App is an online dynamic slideshow presenting the most promising feedstock and its related bioeconomy applications in everyday life with 60 stunning pictures. It offers an innovative approach of showcasing to the public some examples of bio-based products and applications currently available in the market through several examples: cosmetics, nutraceutics, tissues, toys and sport, disposable tableware, cleaning products, gadgets, and much more.
D5.8 Social Media innovative engagement and animation Report first version
This document presents the BIOVOICES approach for social media engagement and animation. This includes the objectives of the social media activity in BIOVOICES, the analysis of social media channels (most popular social networks, gender preferences, characteristics of the different social media, sustainability topics in social media), the BIOVOICES activity in the social media (strategy for the social media channels, analysis and Overview, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) and the Social media animation (influencers, social media Apps, interactive tools and competitions, campaign in social network).
D6.1 Preliminary report on European, National and regional MML events
This document is the Preliminary Report on the European, National and Regional MML events carried out in this reporting period by BIOVOICES. This document therefore offers the ‘preliminary insights’ collated from and based on Mobilisation and Mutual Learning approach applied in the MML events carried out until November 2019
D6.2 Report on European, National and Regional MML events
The purpose and scope of this deliverable is to describe the methodology by which BIOVOICES has utilised the actionable knowledge gathered from the BIOVOICES Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) experience to deliver BIOVOICES Task 6.4 BIOVOICES Action Plan to raise citizen's awareness and foster collaboration among stakeholders and as set out in BIOVOICES objectives.
D6.3 BIOVOICES Action Plan and Stakeholder-Oriented Policy Briefs
The purpose and scope of this deliverable is to describe the methodology by which BIOVOICES has utilised the actionable knowledge gathered from the BIOVOICES Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) experience to deliver BIOVOICES Task 6.4 BIOVOICES Action Plan to raise citizen's awareness and foster collaboration among stakeholders and as set out in BIOVOICES objectives.
D7.2 - BIOVOICES Website
The BIOVOICES website will act as an institutional communication and dissemination channel of the project, comprising both institutional and promotional content about the project, including information about its scope, objectives, activities and key public results. Other information such as news and events will only be accessible through BIOVOICES Platform. The institutional website will serve as the “front-door” of the platform.
D7.5 Report on dissemination and exploitationactivities_0.3 (Final)
This deliverable presents the dissemination activities implemented in the first year of the project.
D7.6 Second report on dissemination and exploitation activities
This deliverable presents the dissemination activities implemented in the second year of the project.