Wastewater treatment with marine microalgae
Microalgal biomass can be grown in wastewaters and used as a raw material for the extraction of high-value bio-compounds. This cultivation procedure allows the combination of two or more processes that enhance the production of all the intermediates along the chain and transform wastes into valuable products. The final products derived from this biotechnological process are clean water and algal biomass, from which photonic devices can be also obtained.
The BioArt Gallery presents promising feedstock and its related bioeconomy applications in everyday life with 60 stunning pictures. It offers an innovative approach of showcasing to the public some examples of bio-based products and applications currently available in the market through several examples: cosmetics, nutraceuticals, tissues, toys and sport, disposable tableware, cleaning products, gadgets, and much more.
The BioArt Gallery has been displayed to the public in severall incredible venues throughout Europe, and now BIOVOICES makes it available to you through an interactive digital platform!