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FVA New Media Research

PEDAL Consulting

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche




Frontier Management Consulting




APRE | Project Coordinator
Academia to targeted stakeholders – industry, professional and trade associations, policy-makers, NGOs and consumers – and in developing capacity and confidence within the research and bioeconomy communities in communicating to and with the wider world. The company has an established reputation in working in leadership and contributory roles across EC funded projects (FP5, 6 & 7, H2020), for delivering training for projects and groups of ESRs in strategic communications planning and delivery, and to managing effective communications programmes that deliver impact. Minerva has a strong heritage in working with broad bioeconomy topics and controversial issues such as GM, malnutrition and rural issues as well as in specific
Projects involved in:
Key Persons:
Chiara Pocaterra (Project Manager): is a trained economist and joined APRE at the beginning of 2004. She was involved in providing assistance and consultancy within ‘Food quality and safety’ and ‘Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems’ priority of the 6 Framework Programme. She was then appointed by the Italian Minister of Research ‘Food’, ‘Energy’ and EURATOM NCP (National Contact Point) for the 7 Framework Programme and for HORIZON 2020. She is involved as project manager on behalf of APRE in Coordination and Support actions funded in FP6, in FP7 and HORIZON 2020: in particular she is the coordinator of the Energy NCP network C-ENERGY 2020 (and the previous C-ENERGY+ and C-ENERGY) and the EURATOM NCP network NUCL-EU 2020 (and the previous NUCL-EU). The activities performed regard the correct execution of the project activities and preparation of all the necessary reports and supporting documents.
Contact:[email protected]
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Serena Borgna (Project Manager): has a bachelor in Political Science, a master in Economics for Development and Environment and a post-graduation master in European Community Operator. She has been working in APRE (Agency for the Promotion of the European Reserch) since 2008, in particular in NMP, environment, bioeconomy and frontier research sectors. She is currently H2020 National Contact Point for the Societal Challenge 2 “Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research bio-based industries and the Bioeconomy “, for LEIT NMPB “Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology ” and for the ERC “European Research Council”. She has been also NMP “Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies” and IDEAS (European Research Council) thematic priority national contact point in FP7. She has been involved in several European projects, of which five in International cooperation with INDIA (EUINEC, INDIA GATE, INDIA SI HOUSE, INNO INDIGO and INDIGO POLICY), three in Food sector (FIBRA, TRADEIT and BIO HORIZON) and some designed to enlarge the quality of SMEs participation and interaction in framework programme like TRADEIT or SM BIO POWER. She has been
specializing in training for Horizon 2020, Bioeconomy challenge, LEIT pillar and ERC programme and also in brokerage event organisation (more than 10 European and international brokerage events organised in the last 6 years).
Contact: [email protected]
Vincenza Faraco (Project Manager): is Professor in Fermentation Chemistry and Biotechnology at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Naples "Federico II" (Italy). The main research activities carried out by Vincenza Faraco concern the development of biocatalysts for industrial applications, including the conversion of lignocellulosic wastes and biomasses into fermentable sugars for the production of biofuels, bio?plastics and fine chemicals and biocatalysts with applications in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. She coordinates and has coordinated several (national, European and international) research projects, in particular: Ï the EU (FP7) funded Cooperation project “Optimized esterase biocatalysts for cost?effective industrial production” OPTIBIOCAT, 2013?2017, a Large?scale integrating project targeted to SMEs ? grant greement n° 613868; 2013?2017; Ï the EU (FP7) funded research project (Marie Curie Actions People International dimension) “Improvement of technologies and tools, e.g. biosystems and biocatalysts, for waste conversion to develop an assortment of high added value eco?friendly and cost?effective bio?products”?BIOASSORT (318931), 2012?2016. She is Titular Member of the committee ChemRAWN (CHEMical Research Applied to World Needs) ( of IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry). She is representative of University of Naples "Federico II" as Associate member of Biobased Industries Public Private Platform ( She is director of the Section “European Space of Research and European Fund Raising” of Europe Direct (
Contact: [email protected]
Silvia Valentini (Project Manager):
Contact: [email protected]
FVA New Media Research
FVA is an Italian SME operating since 1990 in the field of new media communication and advanced ICT for research and organizations contexts, FVA works in the domains of Bioeconomy, Learning, Health, SSH Social Sciences and Humanities, Social innovation and security.
Together with a deep technical expertise FVA can provide to projects a strong internal experience in psychology, creativity and learning and a deep knowledge on proposal writing and management of EC research projects.
Strategic Dissemination and Communication to promote science
Training, co-creation workshops and focus groups with stakeholders
Media and New Media production
Social media strategies and ICT solutions (Applications, Widgets, Animated Commercials, E-games)
Serious games, advergames and entertainment
Technology Enhanced training platforms
ICT solutions, Graphic design, 3D modelling and animation,HCI and interface design
Communication, Dissemination and Impact
FVA has nearly 25 years of experience in the advertising, communication and promotion domain.
Specifically FVA is specialized in the design and implementation of ICT and new media solutions for advertising and communication. FVA has also a long expertise in the design and promotion of social media communities.
Games and gamified solutions for learning
FVA has an extensive experience in games for advertising, promotion and communication purposes.
Since early ’90 FVA believed in the power of game-based approach to involve and motivate the users, not just targeting young generations, but also adults and Businesses.
FVA designed the concept and developed several games, advergames, edutainment games and gamification solutions.
In the last years FVA is developing serious games for research and innovation projects, mainly in the bioeconomy, SSH, security, health and social innovation domains.
FVA bring to the projects 25 years of experience in game design and a 15 years experience in serious games design.
FVA has also a strong experience in developing ICT based solutions for marketing, advertising and communication and game-based training platforms for organizational contexts.
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Projects involved in:
InterHealth (Erasmus +)
Ladies First! (Erasmus +)
Key persons:
Louis Ferrini (Managing Director and Project Manager): Louis Ferrini established FVA in 1989 as one of the first multimedia companies in Italy. He gets the degree in graphic design and advertising in IED, Rome Italy. Then he completes a master of computer graphic at IED, Rome, Italy. Before starting his own business, he worked for several advertising and graphic companies in Italy and US. Louis Ferrini has been selected by the European Commission as evaluator for Horizon 2020. Actually he is leading the FVA team developing technology enhances solutions for communication, promotion and training.
Contact: [email protected]
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Susanna Albertini (Partner and Project Manager): Susanna Albertini is FVA New Media Design partner from 1995, she has integrated her specialization in Psychology of work and business organization with multimedia and new technology communication. Since 2000 she is involved as project manager and researcher in projects funded by the European Commission as expert in game-based training, co-creation and creativity enabling factors, communication, impact and valorization of research results. She has been selected by the European Commission as evaluator for Horizon 2020. Her main area of interest is societal challenges with special focus on sustainable and inclusive growth.
Contact: [email protected]
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Michela Cohen (Junior Project Manager): Currently holds the position of Junior project manager in FVA. Gets her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology of the person, organizations and the community and her Bachelor degree in Sciences and psychological techniques of evaluation in childhood, adolescence and family at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Contact: [email protected]
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PEDAL Consulting
PEDAL Consulting is the leading independent management consultancy in Slovakia and Czech Republic specialised in EU funds and international business development. Since 2009, the company has been serving European and international associations and companies, and contributed significantly to the creation and growth of several businesses. Up to date, PEDAL consultants have successfully implemented about 40 FP7/H2020/COSME/Erasmus plus projects from the position of partner, subcontractor and coordinator. PEDAL is also managing the Tenderio ( platform which helps European SMEs to access new public markets abroad. PEDAL is a member of the Bioeconomy Cluster Slovakia (
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Projects involved in:
Transition to Green Economy (H2020)
HUBIT (H2020)
Young Goes Euro (Erasmus Plus)
W.R.I.T.E. (Erasmus Plus)
SOG-TIM (Erasmus Plus)
BRD-NET (Visegrad Fund)
Construct the Change (Visegrad Fund)
Startup Europe (Tender, DG GROW)
Media Contact Database (Tender, EFSA)
Key Persons:
Robert MISKUF (CEO): Mr. Robert Miskuf is the Founder and CEO of PEDAL Consulting. Since 2009, he has successfully accomplished over 40 international contracts (H2020, FP7, COSME, Erasmus Plus, Visegrad Fund, public tenders) through which he acquired core skills in research and analysis as well as project and association management. Prior to his current position, he worked at the secretariat of the European Parliament in Brussels, where he undertook research on European and National legislations. Thanks to his intensive involvement in a number of different NGO’s, he successfully managed various EU regional and community projects. Holder of a Merit degree in European Studies and International Relations from the University of Westminster in London, Robert is fluent in English, Italian, Slovak and Czech.
Contact: [email protected]
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Federica TORCOLI (Project Manager): Federica TORCOLI conducts searches for partners and business opportunities via international tenders, implements EU funded projects for the clients and organises workshops and training seminars. Federica holds a Merit Degree in Foreign Languages and International Communications from the Universities of Padova and Leicester and has an extensive working experience in the field of business communication and event organizing.
Contact: [email protected]
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Martin VLACHYNSKY (Project Manager): Martin VLACHYNSKY is a co-founder of, student consultancy for Slovak and Czech applicants to UK universities, which merged with PEDAL Consulting. His focus is on market analysis and communication. Holder of MSc in economic policy degree from Masaryk University and MSc in Management, Economics, and International Relations from The University of Aberdeen. His specialty involves energy markets, business environment and competitiveness. He is among the most quoted economic analysts in Slovakia, with 1500+ media appearances.
Contact: [email protected]
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Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
The Institute of Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS) coordinates MARINA project (Marine Knowledge Sharing Platform for Federating Responsible Research and Innovation Communities) and will use its experience and acquired knowledge to build the framework model in HubIT.
Civitta Eesti AS is the leading independent management consultancy in the Baltics and the Western CIS region. Established in 2004, CE has now 140 employees cooperating in 6 countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova), with headquarters in Tallinn, Estonia. Civitta
LOBA is a business and marketing consulting company based in Portugal and operating throughout Europe and Africa. Established in 2000, Globaz has branches in 3 countries with more than 30 qualified staff members, including senior executives, consultants and researchers. Globaz delivers consultancy and management services and is specialist in implementing innovation strategies in organisations (innovation processes, organisational development, technology and innovation audits), dissemination activities, technology watch, project management (planning, organising, directing, controlling) and project financing.
LOBA main enabler is the ability to combine their expertise with critique and conceptual repertoire, based on an extensive visual culture, social and psychological perspectives. They are a creative driver that aims at a communicational objective. The services offered by Globaz are divided into seven main areas: design (visual identity, graphic supports, editorial design, product design), multimedia (multimedia applications, multimedia management system, video, iPaper); websites (institutional websites, portals , e-commerce sites Mobile), web marketing (email marketing, search engine marketing, social web marketing, search engine optimization, website management); web applications (intranet and extranet, content management system, web hosting, web domains) and two secondary areas: consulting (marketing plans, communication plan, branding and naming, design communication, content); events (trade show management, corporate events, team building). Globaz is geographically established in a region where the industrial tissue its very focused in textiles, shoes and moulding, keeping with these sectors and trustable and sustainable relationship.
The mission of LOBA is to develop and change people, organizations and businesses by making them more efficient, effective, innovative and profitable through the promotion of innovation and technological development.
Staff at LOBA includes Commission evaluators who have been involved in Framework Programme project and proposal activities since FP6. The company focuses on Innovation and Research Management which includes training and consultancy on innovation and project management aspects of the Framework Programme.
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Projects Involved in:
- SecurePART – FP7
- Science@Aveiro – H2020 (first in PT)
- AEGLE – H2020 - IA
- Vineyard – H2020 - RIA
- Dandelion – H2020 - CSA
- Magellan – H2020 – FTI (first in PT)
- Bioways – H2020 – CSA
- Tenderio – COSME
- HubIT – H2020
- BRIOBRIDGES (Coordinator) – H2020 - CSA
- ALTFInator – H2020 - CSA
- CCI – H2020 - RIA
Key Persons:
Alexandre Almeida (Project Manager): Coordinator of International Cooperation Department, including responsibility for setting strategy, identifying opportunities for business, management team and department budget and preparation of proposals for the Horizon 2020 Framework Programmes and other European Programmes to support research, innovation and technological development and for communication and dissemination actions. He has more than 10 years’ experience in the coordination of European proposals setup and managing projects.
Contact: [email protected]
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Candela Bravo (Project Manager): Currently holds the position of project manager in LOBA. She has 10 years of experience in management European funded projects in different Programmes such as H2020, FP7, Erasmus+, etc. in fields related to sustainable innovation, communication, transport, ICT, KBBE among other. Candela is also specialized in communication and promotional activities, gained through years of experience, developing and implementing communication plans, organizing events or transfer of knowledge initiatives, promoting innovation, conducting assessment for market uptake and potential commercialization, under the frame of European projects and other activities.
Contact: [email protected]
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Pietro Rigonat (Project Manager): Currently holds the position of European Projects manager at LOBA. He has a degree in International Sciences and Diplomatic relations, in the past he worked for the Italian Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Central Directorate finances, assets, coordination and programming of economic and community politics. At the Department of European Territorial Cooperation Service, State aids and general affairs. Namely, he supported the Managing Authority, Laura Comelli, of Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 programme. At LOBA he supports the international cooperation department in the drafting of new proposals; searching of financing opportunities and new partnerships; managing EU funded projects and supporting the social media communication.
Contact: [email protected]
Catarina Pereira (Project Manager): Currently holds the position of project manager in LOBA. Has worked in the communication and public relations field for three years. Has a degree in Business Relations and a Major in Communication.
Contact: [email protected]
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Q-PLAN is an innovation and management consulting company that focuses its activities in:
a) The provision of business and innovation support services to entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs in various major business sectors (like Agriculture, Environment, Manufacturing, Transport, Health, ICT, etc.) in the design and implementation of their innovation strategies;
b) The design and management of entrepreneurial and business innovation support related European research projects, support actions and policy studies in various business sectors and technological areas, including Agriculture, Energy (including bio-energy), Transport, Advanced materials and manufacturing, Information and Communication Technologies, Environment, etc. and their related vertical and horizontal business networks and value chains – more than 25 EU-funded projects and policy studies, mainly as coordinator; and
c) The development and implementation of Management Systems according to respective standards and regulations (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 17025, ISO 15189, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 13485, GLPs, etc.) where is the market leader in Greece with more than 1400 certified/ accredited systems from all business sectors;
The company possesses close linkages and in depth expertise in the Agriculture field, both at national and international level, through a set of well-tailored innovation support and management services spanning from the design and implementation of highly specialized management systems for agri-food companies and organisations, to much more mainstream innovation, SME and business support services focusing on addressing market penetration, commercialization and valorisation aspects of bio-based products and applications addressing the end-customers’ needs and concerns.
Overall, Q-PLAN group employs more than 20 highly-skilled personnel, while it retains an extensive network at both national and European level of RTD&I actors (research/technological organisations and institutes, large industries, innovative SMEs, services providers), intermediates (NGOs/CSOs, industrial associations, SMEclusters, citizens associations, formal and informal networks, etc.) and policy advisors (experts in various fields acting as consultants for policy making process at regional, national and European level). Q-PLAN holds thorough experience and deep knowledge concerning the attributes and specific characteristics of the agricultural sector of the bioeconomy, having not only participated as a key partner in relevant EU projects but also by providing highly customised services to leading companies of the agricultural sector, towards building a sustainable European bioeconomy.
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Projects involved in:
INVITE (H2020)
ISABEL (H2020)
Inno-4-agrifood (H2020)
SatisFactory (H2020)
Cities-4-People (H2020)
TIPS (FP7-Transport)
Health-2-Market (FP7-Health)
EECA-2-Horizon (FP7-ICT)
Enorasis (FP7-Environment)
MaPEeR SME (FP7-Capacities (SME))
START (FP7-Capacities (ERA-WIDE) Societies)
Key Persons:
Iakovos Delioglanis (Project Manager): BSc in Physics, MSc in Telecoms. He has more than 15 years of professional experience in providing innovation management services to research, industrial and public organisations at EU, national and regional level. He has a long track-record as a manager / coordinator of EU policy studies, R&D projects and coordination & support actions (ISABEL (H2020-Energy), DANDELION (H2020-IIRS), EECA-2- HORIZON (FP7-ICT), PLATON+ (FP7-SSH), BALCON (FP7-ICT), etc.). Moreover, he has long experience in the design and implementation of a wide range of activities (workshops, networking activities, information stands, etc.) for communicating scientific knowledge deriving from EU-funded projects to all relevant stakeholders acting as dissemination/exploitation manager in EECA-2-HORIZON (FP7-ICT), TIPS (FP7- Transport), Health-2-Market (FP7-Health), START (FP7-ERA-WIDE), SCUBE-ICT (FP7-ICT), PLATON (FP6-INNOVATION), etc.
Contact: [email protected]
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Evangelia Tsagaraki (Project Manager): "ChEng, MSc in Food Science and Technology. She has more than 12 years of experience in the design and implementation of food safety management systems (ISO 22000, IFS, BRC etc), as well as other technical phytosanitary standards such as GSPP for a wide spectrum of companies in the agri- food sector (vegetable and livestock farming, food processing, packaged food wholesale and distribution, food retail, mass catering etc.). Finally, she has wide experience in the elaboration of EU projects and studies (HORIZON CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD, HORIZON BIOWAYS, FP7 HEALTH-2-MARKET, FP7 ENORASIS, LIFE+ RECYCLING SYMPRAXIS etc.)."
Contact: [email protected]
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Frontier Management Consulting
Frontier Management Consulting SRL (FRONTIER) is a private independent company established in 2004 having the mission to provide complete business development and management consultancy services to SMEs mainly as well as RTDs institutes / centers & universities for a sustainable development, creation of a competitive economy and a knowledge based society in Romania. FMMC is closely working with the private sector in
Romania. The professional involvement and successfully results of our consultants and pool of experts for private clients prove our experience and
achievements in various activity fields such as: entrepreneurship, SMEs development (several start-ups & spinoffs have been initiated), regional
development, innovation and research, human resources development, education,in health, manufacturing industry, ICT, energy sectors.
During 2012-2013, the company participated at the mid-term evaluation of the National RDI Strategy 2007-2013, elaboration of the National RDI Strategy 2014-2020, together with its main implementation programs for 2014-2020,respectively the National RDI Program 2014-2020 and
Competitive Operational Program 2014-2020 for RDI (Structural Funds).
During 2012 – 2016, FRONTIER was part of several partnerships developing specific sectorial plans for the National
Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation (National strategy to relaunch the research in pharma industry, Research on identifying priorities for the
development of bio-economy in Romania for the period 2016-2030).
Projects involved in:
DanuBalt – H2020
INSec – PC7
SMEs go Health – PC7
RIFI – PC7 SMES go Life Sciences – PC6
Rural ETI-NET – PC6
Key Persons:
Flaviana Rotaru (Administrator): Flaviana Rotaru (Mrs.) is the Founding Director and also the Manager of the Funded Programmes Department within Frontier Management Consulting SRL. She is responsible with the strategy of FRONTIER involvement in international cooperation and is specialized in writing, budgeting, securing funding, managing, implementing European Union and World Bank projects. She was a EC evaluator for Innovation and CIP calls and reviewer for running projects. She is a trainer agreed by the Ministry of Work for Entrepreneurial Competencies and Public Procurement and was previously responsible for the SMEs go Health and SMEs go Life Sciences project in Romania as manager. She is currently involved in the Fit for Health project and also in other national type projects.
Contact: [email protected]
Silvia Ioana Daboveanu (Consultant): Silvia Daboveanu (Ms.) is a Senior Consultant at Frontier Management Consulting SRL, being responsible for project proposal writing and implementation of national and European projects. She is an economist and a project manager and was involved in the implementation in several FP7 Health projects, H2020, as Project Assistant, and other national type projects. She also has a Master’s degree in Management of International Affairs.
Contact: [email protected]
Iuliana Mihalcea (Consultant): Iuliana Mihalcea (Ms.) is a Consultant at Frontier Management Consulting SRL. She is an engineer and has a Master's degree in Agricultural Consultancy. She is also a project manager and is being responsible for proposal writing of different types of national projects and developing business plans in the field of sustainable agriculture and rural development.
Contact: [email protected]
Gabriela Pantea (Consultant): Gabriela Pantea (Mrs.) is a Consultant at Frontier Management Consultancy SRL, who participated in numerous international research projects for biodegradable packaging materials development, like: FP7 (Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry) Forbioplast (2008-2012), FP7 – Research for SMEs projects: N-chitopack (2012_2014), Leguval (2013-2016); EEA Grants projects (Norwegian Grants): ACTIBIOSAFE, Food safety programme (2014-2017). She is a senior researcher in the field of Mechatronics, applied in bio-degradable materials. She also contributed in writing of projects proposals (Horizon 2020, SME Instrument).
Contact: [email protected]
Florentina Nae (Consultant): Florentina Nae (Mrs.) is a Consultant at Frontier Management Consultancy SRL. She is an economist engineer and has a Master's degree in Marketing and Business Comunication. Since 2008, she is active in project proposal writing and implementation of national projects, especially the National Rural Development Program.
Contact: [email protected]
Stichting Wageningen Research and Wageningen University both collaborate under the brand name Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Within WUR, Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR) carries out socio-economic research within healthy food and living environments including the bio-based economy as one main area of expertise ( WEcR is staffed by public administration experts, economists, marketing specialists, consumer scientists, and ICT experts. WEcR has extensive experience in FP- and H2020 projects addressing environmental and food issues, in particular mutual cooperation with stakeholders and translating these experiences into high level policy support as well as on-the-ground social learning dissemination activities with practitioners.
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Projects involved in:
BERST (FP7: 2014 - 2015)
Open-BIO (FP7: 2014-2016)
BioSTEP (H2020: 2015-2018)
SIVC (WR: Social Innovation for Value Creation: 2016 - ...)
Key Persons:
Greet Overbeek (Project Manager): Founding Director of Minerva Communications UK Ltd an SME working across communications, issues & stakeholder management, campaigning, knowledge transfer and training in communications with scientists & other specialists. Project management across EC funded projects (FP6 to H2020), NGOs, charities & commercial clients in health & NHS, pharmaceuticals, medical research Coordinator of the H2020 EC funded CSA Bioeconomy project CommBeBiz (, WP lead in FP7 feed technology & policy project PROteINSECT ( ), FP7 multidisciplinary RTD IFamily Study ( ). Prior to setting up Minerva, Rhonda was Managing Director of the European Hub of a global healthcare public relations agency, with a career prior to that in book, magazine and newspaper publishing.
Contact: [email protected]
United Kingdom
Minerva is an SME based in Hampshire UK, specialists in both the transfer of knowledge from research & academia to targeted stakeholders – industry, professional and trade associations, policy-makers, NGOs and consumers – and in developing capacity and confidence within the research and bioeconomy communities in communicating to and with the wider world. The company has an established reputation in working in leadership and contributory roles across EC funded projects (FP5, 6 & 7, H2020), for delivering training for projects and groups of ESRs in strategic communications planning and delivery, and to managing effective communications programmes that deliver impact. Minerva has a strong heritage in working with broad bioeconomy topics and controversial issues such as GM, malnutrition and rural issues as well as in specific research topics in food, nutrition and agribusiness, health and well-being, pharmaceutical and nutriceutical product development. Minerva co-ordinates the H2020 project CommBeBiz – bioeconomy to business ( - chairs the growing CommBeBiz community of research projects & researchers working across the bioeconomy, leads on external communications including the website and media, establishing measures of success and the production of the BeBizBlueprint, a handbook to support more effective knowledge transfer and innovation. Minerva has a track record in driving collaborations and partnerships with communities & community groups, working with umbrella groups in industry settings, multi- disciplinary health & care organisations, and school networks in creating materials suitable for classroom use and driving discussions and debates on social and environmental issues.
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Projects involved in:
- CommBeBiz H2020;
- Medit-Ageing H2020;
- CommNet FP7;
- EARNEST FP6: PIMMS Marie Curie;
- ARGENT Marie Curie;
- ELENA Marie Curie
Key Persons:
Rhonda Smith (Director)
Virginia Neal (Project Support)
Marie Saville (Project Manager)
ASEBIO is the Spanish Association of Biotechnology Companies, which brings together companies, associations, foundations, universities, research and technology centers that carry out activities directly or indirectly related to biotechnology in Spain.
Since 1999 ASEBIO has been acting as a meeting and promotion platform for those organizations interested in stimulating the national biotechnology scene. In order to do this, ASEBIO works closely with regional, national and European governments as well as all the social organizations interested in using biotechnology to improve quality of life, the environment and generating skilled employment.
The large number of members makes ASEBIO the most suitable setting to meet the challenge of developing the biotechnology sector and taking advantage of the innovation opportunities offered by biotechnology as a vehicle for social and economic growth in Spain.
These are some of ASEBIO achievements since it began its activity in 1999:
- Recognition of biotechnology as a productive sector in its own right and joining CEOE and EUROPABIO.
- Participation in parliamentary activities and designing public instruments to support the sector.
- Dialogue with high ranking officials from European, national and local governments and participation in the Science and Technology Advisory Committee, agency under the Spanish head of Government.
- Contacts with embassies and diplomatic representatives from over 30 countries.
- Presence at the most famous international events.
- Participation in a great number of studies, reports and doctoral thesis on the sector, in collaboration with universities, The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and other institutions - The Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX), the OECD, the European Commission, etc.
- More than 1.771 media impacts
- More than 400 issues by members and partners resolved .
- Creation of 9 working groups involving over 110 organizations.
- Organization of many meeting forums to analyze this sector.
- Presence at 3 European Platforms inside the Framework Programme.
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Projects involved in:
"From GMP to GBP: Fostering Good Bioethical Practices (GBP) among European Biotechnology Industry" (FP6)
Key Persons:
Beatriz Palomo (Project Manager): has a degree in Biology from the Complutense University of Madrid. It also has a Master in Integrated: Environment, Quality and Prevention from UNED. She worked as a chemical laboratory technician at the University Alfonso X and in a consultant Medina, Terron and Associates, now called Biolty. Nowdays she is working as a project manager in the Spanish Association of Biotechnology coordinating several projects at national and international level and health Comission. Daniel Claudio Cerezo, Projects Department Technical Support Officer, holds a degree in Experimental Sciences and study a Master in Health Biotechnology.
Contact: [email protected]
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Daniel Claudio (Project Technician): worked at the CNIC (National Center of Cardiovascural Research) in the department of advanced imaging, specialized in antibody modification. Since March he hired by ASEBIO, supporting the projects requested both nationally and internationally, supporting the activities and reports required.
Contact: [email protected]
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ICLEI Europe
Association of over 1,500 local governments that represents the interests of local authorities within the United Nations and at international policy forums.
A movement driving positive change on a global scale through programmes and campaigns on local sustainability.
A resource centre offering information, tools, networking, training and consulting services.
ICLEI is the only network of sustainable cities operating worldwide. The organisation facilitates local government input to United Nations (UN), processes such as the UN Framework Conventions on Climate Change, and Biodiversity. In partnership with the UN and other organisations, as well as national governments, ICLEI puts in the groundwork for more ambitious and more responsible international commitments - and seeks global recognition and support for local action.
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Key Persons:
Giorgia Rambelli (Coordinator): Joined ICLEI Europe in 2010, working on the Local Government Climate Roadmap for the recognition of the role of local governments in responding to global climate challenges, and supporting the coordination of the GreenClimateCities Programme for Europe. She strongly believes that the involvement of cities and regions is vital to driving forward sustainability in Europe, and is engaged in the discussion on the role of cities and communities in the Energy Union and in the European Climate and Energy policy towards 2030. She is involved in the development and implementation of several European projects focusing on: increasing the uptake of energy efficiency renovation within European buildings, increasing the social acceptance of renewable energy, supporting Local Authorities in developing SEAPs, and integrating SEAPs and EMS according to ISO 50001.
Contact: [email protected]
Nikolai Jacobi (Officer): Joined ICLEI’s Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience team in January 2018, working on topics such as climate change mitigation, bio-economy and circular economy – specifically, the Horizon 2020 projects BioVoices, C-track 50, CircPack, PlastiCircle and the UBA project Smarte Umweltrelevante Infrastrukturen. Prior to joining ICLEI, Nikolai worked as a Junior Researcher at the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna. Nikolai began his career as an Intern at the United Nation’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), where he went on to work as a Consultant for several years.
Contact: [email protected]
Projects involved in:
PROSEU (H2020)
TriplAreno (H2020)
Winwind (H2020)
International Urban Cooperation (European Commission)
C-Track 50 (H2020);
CircPack (H2020);
PlastiCirc (H2020);
Smarte Umweltrelevante Infrastruktur (German Federal Government).